Heber Valley Corridor Update: 1/16

Heber Valley Corridor Update: 1/16

HEBER CITY, Utah-Monday, the Utah Department of Transportation published the Final Alternatives Development and Screening report. This final report contains public comments received on the draft report and incorporates the updated Level 2 screening data for wetlands and Section 4f: This consists of historical buildings and evaluates the Provo River Restoration Project as a Section 4f resource. It also shows a shift in the alignment of Alternatives WB3 and WB4 to minimize wetland impacts.

Several field surveys have been completed. They are as follows:

Aquatic Resources Field Survey

Biological Field Survey

Historical Building Survey

Presently, the archaeological field survey is ongoing as is the Draft EIS preparation.

The project timeline has changed. Alternatives to the north are being considered.

UDOT has also taken additional time with the travel demand model. This is to ensure the most accurate analysis of projected growth.

The Draft EIS will also entail a detailed and expanded evaluation of environmental impacts.

The release of the Draft EIS is slated for summer 2023. The preparation for the final EIS will be released in the fall of 2023 or the spring of 2024.

Comments can be submitted at the following link: https://hebervalleyeis.udot.utah.gov/.